Legal Field of Performance |
- Contract assessment, handling, preparation and presentation of concepts, objections to claims of insurance and reinsurance companies , resource preparation, appeals and process management before the jurisdiction (administrative law court)
- Consultants for contract wording, recommendations and legal concepts for insurance and reinsurance and intermediaries of insurance and reinsurance firms.
- Coverage analysis of bonds and equity insurance and that of damage, for construction execution works, supplies, concessions, buying-selling, supply, service provider, etc.
- Permanent legal adviser for board of directors and stockholders meetings of insurance companies. Summons, preparation and presentation of boards of directors and stockholder meetings.
Our experience in loss handling and repayments
Analysis and loss assessment for Insurance and Re-insurance companies in Colombia and other countries:
- Natural gas supply project underwritten between Termocandelaria S.A. and Texas Petroleum Company.
- Lagomar Marina Club residential project.
- TV Concessions provided by the Comisión Nacional de Televisión.
- Legal policy issued by La General de Seguros de Venezuela.
- Dam Construction by Colombian contractors in Costa Rica.
Colombia - Bogotá D.C. Carrera 11 No. 96-43 Of. 204
Ph. +57-1 634 7300
Fax. +57-1 634 73 92
Panamá - Panamá
Calle Manuel Espinosa Batista y Vía España
Edificio International Bussines Center Piso 4ª Of. 2 y 3
Ph. +507-223 93 48, +507 269 65 00
Fax. +507- 269 96 11
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