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  Münchener Rückversicherungs, Swiss Re Compañía Agrícola de Seguros S.A., Delima & Marsh, Reasesores Ltda., Segurexpo de Colombia S.A., Seguros Bolívar S.A., Total Seguros Ltda. Americana de Reaseguros S.A. Aseguradora Ancón S.A. Folksamerica Reinsurance Company
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  • Law analysis for biddings minutes, contracts, policy clauses.
  • Supervision and project control in construction, concessions, supply or services.
  • Assistance in inspection, prevention, underwriting, analysis and risk management.
  • Risk assessment for insurance transfer.
  • Insurance adjustment and loss and claims handling .
  • Consultants in law in claims and losses.
  • Asset valuation.
  Colombia - Bogotá D.C.
Carrera 11 No. 96-43 Of. 204
Ph. +57-1 634 7300 Fax. +57-1 634 73 92

Panamá - Panamá
Calle Manuel Espinosa Batista y Vía España
Edificio International Bussines Center Piso 4ª Of. 2 y 3
Ph. +507-223 93 48, +507 269 65 00 Fax. +507- 269 96 11

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